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Showing posts from January 20, 2008

Last Night I Saw a Dream

Last night, as I closed my eyes and drifted off into the realm of dreams, I found myself transported to the bustling streets of Kathmandu. The sun was shining bright and the air was filled with the buzz of people going about their day. I walked with purpose, my feet guiding me toward the Tri-Chandra campus, the place where I spend most of my days. As I approached the campus, I noticed a young man standing at the zebra crossing. He was dressed in a brown t-shirt and black pants and had two rings on his ears. He turned to me and in a thick American accent, he asked me for directions to the Tri-Chandra campus. I was taken aback, I couldn't believe my ears. A tourist, all the way from America, looking for the Tri-Chandra campus? I told him that I was a student there and I'd be more than happy to show him the way. As we walked towards the campus, he asked me many questions about the school and the country. I told him about our rapidly developing country and how our education system