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Showing posts from September 24, 2023


  Formation of Himalaya The Himalayas are a vast mountain range located in South Asia, which includes some of the highest peaks in the world, such as Mount Everest. The formation of the Himalayas is the result of the collision of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates. Around 50 million years ago, India was a separate continent that began moving northward towards Asia, eventually colliding with the Eurasian plate around 40 to 50 million years ago. As the two plates collided, the Indian plate was forced beneath the Eurasian plate, causing the crust to thicken and rise. This process, called subduction, resulted in the formation of the Himalayas. Over millions of years, the Himalayas continued to rise as the Indian plate pushed against the Eurasian plate, resulting in the creation of the highest mountain range in the world. The ongoing collision between the two plates also caused the formation of many other mountain ranges, including the Karakoram, Hindu Kush, and the Pamir Mountains.