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Showing posts from January 1, 2017

We just have dream no plans

We just have dreams, no plans! It has been said that initially all dreams are seen as impossible for the dreamer, such as touching the moon, making an atom boom, radio, telephone, computer, and so on, but eventually, human victory over all these unpredictable things. proved that they can do everything in-universe. I have a dream of participating in any world-famous event which is concerned about our nature and natural resources. Through this event, I want to prove that our country is very beautiful and is full of natural resources. We have always listened now, even to the fact that our country has tourism and hydropower potential. Despite this, we have yet to properly utilize such potential power. In this globalization time, without convincing the world and without utilizing natural resources, we can’t develop our country. And how we develop ourselves has no meaning unless we develop our country. Although it is easy to see a dream upon anything, to achieve it is harder than we think. W

Memories of childhood

I miss the plans that we used to make. I miss eating mango, oranges, and pineapple-like we used to. I miss the condition that we used to run away. I miss the village where I used to live. I miss the way and the jungle where we used to walk. I miss the  Chautara  where we used to rest. I miss the games that we used to play. I miss the village where I used to stay. I miss the school where we used to go. I miss the gossip that we used to do. I miss the teacher who used to teach us. I miss the childhood that I used to have. I miss the school holidays that we used to get. I miss the  mela  that we used to go to. I miss the football matches that we used to announce. I miss the situation that I once had. I miss the  Dashi-Tihar  that we used to celebrate. I miss the D ausi/vailo  where we used to enjoy ourselves. I miss the days that we used to spend. I miss the villagers who we used to have.                                                                            

जन्म देखि जन्म सम्म।

धेरै पहिलाको कुरा हो। विश्व एउटा थियो। रूपमा, बनोटमा। जमिन एउटा थियो। पानी अर्को भाग थियो। पछि खोइ किन छल्कियो पानी?! एउटै जमिन फुट्न थाल्यो। एउटै महादिप टुट्न थाल्यो। एउटाले अर्कालाई हान्न थाले। सक्नेले त आफूतिर तान्न थाले। पानी माथिको बरफ जस्तै कहिले कता कहिले कता, जमिनका टुक्राहरू सल्बलाई रहे। सलबलाई रहेछन्। आज सम्म पनी! पत्याउनुहोस्! सहि कुरा हो। जब, बिस्तारै! अमेरिका र अफ्रिका टुट्न थाले। चाइना र इन्डिया जुद्धन थाले (अहिलेको जस्तो होइन!) यिनको जुधाई सहन नसकेर, हाम्रो हिमाल जुरुक्क उट्ठयो। हिमाललाई पहाड र तराईले साथ दिए। अनि नेपाल बन्यो! नेपाल भूगोल बनेको हो, मान्छे त बनेकै थिएन! पत्याउनुहोस्! सहि कुरा हो। मान्छे कसले बनायो त? त्यो त म भन्न सक्दिन। सायद, आवश्यकताको सिद्धान्त होला। प्रकृतिको चमत्कार  सम्झनुहोस्। चमत्कार नै बिस्तारै चमत्कारी बन्न थाले। व्यक्ति पछि परिवार, समाज, छेत्र अनि देश बन्यो। कथा लामो छ!! यसै क्रममा  बुद्ध देखि हिट्लर जन्मिए। ज्ञान देखि विज्ञान जन्मियो, र पनि! शान्ति सँगै  युद्ध जन्मियो। बिस्तारै नेपाल देश बन्यो। तपाई नेपाली बन्नु भयो। बधाई छ!

What and who influence the life

Life is an ever-evolving tapestry of influences and experiences, each thread is woven together to create the unique story of who we are. From the cultural practices passed down through generations, to the conversations and perspectives shared among friends, every aspect of our lives shapes our thoughts and actions. For me, one of the most powerful influences in my life has been my mother. Her unwavering spirit and constant encouragement to learn from the past and seize the present have been a guiding light for me. But she is not the only one who has had a profound impact on my life. Mr. Karna Shakya, a successful businessman, and the author has also played a vital role in shaping my perspective on life. His book, "Soch," opened my eyes to the realization that there is always a solution to be found, and the key is to approach problems with a positive mindset. From the words of famous figures to the impact of films and literature, the influences in our lives are countless. B

Contribution of Geology in Economic Development of Nepal

Nepal is a land of diverse geology and natural beauty, from the world's highest Himalayas, including Mount Everest, to the flat Terai region. The country sits at the intersection of the massive Asian and Indian tectonic plates, which are currently colliding, resulting in a unique geological landscape that is rich in structures, minerals, and resources. One of the most significant contributions of geology to Nepal's economic growth is through the development of geotourism. The country's geological diversity, including structures such as the STDS, MCT, MBT, and HFT, make it a perfect candidate for the establishment of a geopark and geotourism region. This not only brings in tourism revenue but also helps to raise awareness and educate visitors on the importance and conservation of the country's geological heritage. Another key area where geology plays a vital role in Nepal's economic growth is through its application in various productive sectors. For example, the c

Why Nepal is a good location for Geo tourism?

            We are all aware that our country has hydropower and tourism potential. We had previously listened to it for many years. Of course, the country has significant development potential in these two sectors. Hydropower and tourism are also doing well. However, developing and defining our country as the global center of these sectors is insufficient. As a result, we must think in new ways, particularly in the field and concept of tourism in Nepal. There are numerous aspects to tourism. As a result of such a topic, geo-tourism is a good idea for our country.  Geo-tourism is a type of tourism that preserves or improves a location's geographical characteristics, such as its environment, climate, aesthetics, heritage, and residents' well-being. Because of its geological and geomorphological diversity, geo-tourism could be a very good place for our country. Many people around the world are interested in learning about natural/geological products and their processes. And our

Our Language Our understanding

Language is the way of expressing and understanding the feelings of one another person. There are many languages that have been developed in the world over the course of time. Human culture and practice affect the language and sense of its use, whereas the feelings of all people are the same. Between these different languages and the same feelings may make the strong pillars of the bridge to connect people with each other in the state of dividing people by language. I want to emphasize that we should not be divided by our languages. People share their feelings and views through electronic and non-electronic media elsewhere all around the world and the English language plays the role of a bridge to connect people to people internationally. When talking about our contest, I feel lucky and happy because I am a citizen of a multi-language country, Nepal. Language reflects the cultural and historical background of any person, so connecting with different languages means that we are also fa

What is Maturity?

Maturity is when you stop trying to change people and instead focus on changing yourself.  Maturity is when you accept people for who they are.  Maturity is when you understand that everyone is right in their own perspective.  Maturity is when you learn to "let go".  Maturity is when you are able to drop "expectations" from a relationship and give for the sake of giving.  Maturity is when you understand that whatever you do, you do for your own peace.  Maturity is when you stop proving to the world how intelligent you are.  Maturity is when you focus on the positives in people. Maturity is when you do not seek approval from others.  Maturity is when you stop comparing yourself with others.  Maturity is when you are at peace with yourself.  Maturity is when you can differentiate between "need" and "want, and you can let go of your wants.  Maturity is when you stop attaching "happiness" to material things.

Effect of electronic games and lack of social games on our kids

One says that we are in the scientific era. In fact, science has victory over many impossible things. Consequently, it affects our culture and practices; now everything in this world is a view through the scientific point. Although humans are unique living beings, they have the feeling of love, care, happiness, unhappiness, and social sharing. And scientific products like computer games, mobiles, and many other things related to entertainment for kids have not taught them such feelings. Kids seem to be unhealthy, unsocial, slow-minded and have less sense of humor than those who most spend their time playing computer games. So we focus on safe outdoor/indoor creative games which make the gathering environment for many children. Depending on the situation and the availability of playgrounds, such games as carom board, chess, football, basketball, quiz competition between friends, and so on are appropriate for children.When I was a kid, we used to play many local games like Lakku dhal,

Glacier and General curiosity about it.

Introduction A glacier is a large, perennial body of ice and snow that is deforming under its own weight, resulting in the transport of ice from higher to lower elevations. The body of ice and snow must be several tens of meters thick for this to take place. The movement of the ice always forms the upper part of the glacier towards the lower end, regardless of whether the glacier is advancing or retreating. Glaciers are also one of the most powerful forces shaping the earth's surface.They slice bedrock and are prime creators of sediments. They form distinctive shapes and landforms. Glacial episodes also took place hundreds of millions of years ago.   Glacier Distribution Existing glaciers occupy 16 million sq km, roughly 10% of the earth’s surface. Out of that, 12.5 million sq km is located in Antarctica. The giant Antarctic ice sheet may be as much as 10 million years old. Part of it is 4 km thick. The weight of ice has depressed the surface of the continental lithosphere mor

Inside my heart

Inside my heart there is sadness, when I see a child playing with a gun. Inside my heart is a sense of sadness, when I see a kid cutting down a perfectly good orange tree.   Inside my heart is a sadness, when I see a bird get shot out of the sky. Inside my heart there is sadness, When I listen our country is getting poor.  Inside my heart there is sadness, When I listen to the birthplace of Buddha held in India.   Inside my heart is a sadness, When I feel that our political parties are a lead the nation in the wrong way. Inside my heart there is sadness, Inside my heart there is sadness, When a small baby was taken away from his Mom. Inside my heart is a sadness, When I see a fish dances without water.  Inside my heart is a sadness, When I listen to a demoralize sound of youth. Inside my heart is a sadness,  When I see a student has a bad teacher.   Inside my heart there is sadness, When I see old people sent to D harmasaala by their child.

उसको गल्ती के छ?

नेपालमा जन्मियो उ। एकै छिन ‘जुम’ गरौं। उ मदेशमा जन्मियो, मदेशमै हुर्कियो। उसले हिमालको उचाइ देखेन रे, नदीको वेग र झरनाको सुन्दरतालाई बुझेन रे। तः उसको के गल्ती छ? उसको आफ्नै भाषा छ। नेपाली राम्रो बुझ्दैन, सिक्दै छ बिस्तारै। यसमा उसको गल्ती के छ? उ नेपालको इतिहास पल्टाउँछ। वीरताको कथा पाउँदछ। स्वविमानको चित्र देख्दछ। तर उ आफ्नो तस्बिर किन भेट्दैन?! यसमा उसको गल्ती के छ? वर्तमान त उसले भोगिरहेको छ। आफ्नै रङ्ग नेताले झन् धोका दिरहेकाछन। तर पनि उसको रगत र रास्टियताले दिएको छैन। फेरि पनि कतै त्यहि रगत माथि प्रश्न तेर्साउन खोज्छ कोही किन? यसमा उसको गल्ती के छ? साँच्चै हिजो उ मौन थियो । आज चेतनाले बोल्न सिकाएको छ। बोल्न भन्दा नि उ बुझाउन खोजिरहेछ। उ देश खोजिरहनेको होइन। उ त देशमा आफूलाई खोजिरहेछ सायद। आफ्नै खोजमा तपाई(राज्य)को साथ खोजिरहेछ। एउटा जन्मजात नेपाली उ। के उसलाई नेपालको माया छैन होला र! वास्तवमा आज उ आरोप र पिडा सहिरहेछ। उसलाई त एकदम कन्फिउज बनाइएको छ। तः यसमा उसको के गल्ती छ?! उ त आसै-आसैमा प्रयोग भएको छ। त्यसैले गल्ती त यो सृष्टिमा छैन। सायद गल्ती त तपाईँको हाम्रो  द

Story from Pasupatinath

 As the sun rose on a beautiful Friday morning, the dew on the ground glistened in the light, filling the air with a sense of renewal and hope. I, filled with a longing to reconnect with the divine, set out on my old bike to the sacred Pashupati temple, a place I had not visited in some time. The familiar sights and sounds of the temple grounds enveloped me, and I felt a sense of peace wash over me. But as I made my way through the crowds, my eyes were drawn to a figure that stood out among the throngs of worshippers. She was like an angel, her beauty striking and otherworldly. I couldn't help but stop in my tracks, my eyes fixed on her. As I stood there, transfixed, she approached me and spoke. To my shock and amazement, she introduced herself as a ghost. I struggled to control my emotions as she told me of her plight, of her longing to speak to the souls of the dead. As we made our way to Aryaghat, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. And then, there it was - a dead bo