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Showing posts from January 15, 2023

My village

My village, so dear to my heart Fresh air and water, a true work of art A place of beauty, hills and green forests Where I played and found my rest The villagers, kind and helpful souls I hope they're all in good health, that's my goal My birthplace, a haven compared to the town I wish I could spend my whole life there, never to be brought down The memories of my village, forever in my mind A peaceful existence, so pure and kind Though I may be far, my village is always near In my thoughts and my heart, it will forever be dear. My village, a place of simplicity Where nature's beauty is in full visibility The sound of birds singing in the morning light The smell of fresh grass, such a delight The people, like a family to me Their warmth and love, always will be The traditional customs and culture A treasure that I will always nurture As I sit here, reminiscing on my past My village, forever it will last In my heart, it will always be My village, my home, my destiny.