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A Student Views On Our Educational System

The way our nation is heading is not something to be happy about, to say the least. In my circle of friends, we have been openly discussing the lack of attention given to important national issues. It's like our political leaders are just playing dirty games with the people and our government. The state of the nation is deteriorating, poverty and inequality are increasing day by day and it's all because of our inept and irresponsible leader.

When it comes to the education system, it's a disaster. The colleges are contaminated by pointless politics. Every college's political parties, in my opinion, are absolutely ruined. It's not what a college should be, it's an educational factory that produces skilled manpower for the nation's growth. Our political parties fail to lead and utilize the enthusiastic youth through university student unions. They should form (if necessary) a student union that only talks about educational concerns and student problems in the current state of the so-called student union (political union) which is unaffiliated with any political party or ideology. I asked our leaders about the poor state of the country's education, and they replied, "We are very serious about our country's education system; it is not scientific." They have been researching the traditional education system and old courses up until now, so there needs to be a significant change. I have no objections here, the country needs a modern education framework focused on science and practice. But it's clear that our political leaders and parties are only interested in money and power, they forget about their promises and people's hopes. They view the government and the nation as personal wallets from which they could deposit and withdraw money at any time.

It's a sad reality, but it's the truth. People can't tell who's right and who's wrong. How long would it take for our country to grow as a result of this educational system? It's a question for our political leaders to answer. But one thing's for sure, we as a country's youth need to demand more and make a change, it's time to wake up and make a change, Nepal.


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